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EMP shock in the middle of the ocean? From where?
(海のど真ん中で、EMPショックだと? そんなものどこから撃ってるんだ?)

What if I told you it’s coming from the skies?

EMP from a satellite?… Unbelievable. Where in the world are you getting the money to fund a project with such an esoteric purpose?

So if it comes from the sky, it must be a satellite? This just in, the culprit behind rain and snow turns out to be a satellite that god launched on day 7.


Piece of advice. If I were you, I’d keep a flexible mind here on this island, Doctor. You’ll be at battle with your common sense, I guarantee. Keep your foundations of reasoning in a supple state.

So what, was I suppose to guess a Griffin that breathes fires of elecrtonic destruction that’ll swing across and bite your head off if you fail to comply?
(じゃあ何か? 電子物を破壊する魔法の火を噴くグリフィンかなにかが、近寄るヤツの頭を食いちぎって、孤島の万人役をしてるとでも答えればよかったのか?)

No, it’s actually coming from sea. The ocean floor to be exact.


What did I just make a funny? Hmm..I dont think that one would fly back in England..But then again you Americans are easily amused.
(あれ? ジョークに聞こえました? うーん…英国じゃ誰も笑わないだろうな、今のじゃ……まあ、でも君たちアメリカ人は稚拙な笑いを好むから納得か……)

There’s a fundamental difference between keeping one’s mind opened and being tricked into believing a lie told by the guide that’s suppose to inform us about the facility.

What, you’re calling me a liar?

Unless “sea” in English slang means “sky”, yes. You are a liar.

I never said the EMP is coming from the sky, Doctor. I said what if.


Open your logic. Flexible mind.

Written by munisix

2008年 7月 13日 at 11:45 am

カテゴリー: シナリオ